Tips to keep your boiler in good condition

Tips to keep your boiler in good condition

Boilers can last for years and years if they are taken care of properly. But what are the steps that you need o take in order to ensure that your boiler is operating at its most efficient level? The team at TPS Plumbing and Heating have outlined some tips for maintaining your boiler!  

Do I Need To Power Flush My Central Heating System?

Do I Need To Power Flush My Central Heating System?

The need for power flushing comes from a build-up of oxide sludge and calcium in the central heating system. Sludge or calcium build up in a heating system means there could be an underlining problem that’s allowing air to get into the central heating system, causing radiators and heat exchangers to corrode. This leaves rust and debris in the bottom of radiators which corrodes down into oxide sludge. This then leads to blocked waterways in radiators, pipe work and heat exchangers.&n...